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Random restarts on a k6.

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alright, my friend has a k6-2 500 on a gigabyte board(not sure exactly which one) with an ali chipset i believe.


well heres the specs exactly:

k6 2 500( was k6 2 400)

gigabyte mobo(he also got a new mobo a while back, because the agp quit working on his old one)

3d prophet(geforce 256) w/ detonator 5.16

sb live! value

128 meg(2 64 meg chips)

netgear 10/100 nic

modem(not sure, but its an old 33.6 i believe. he cant get 56k connection anyway)

6 gig hard drive

17 gig hd

the 6 gig has win2k on it

17 is split into 2 partitions w/ everything but os and a few other apps on them


ok basically everything in this system has been replaced except for the sb live, the 6 gig hd, and a 64 meg ram chip, and he still has the same problem. the damn thing restarts or freezes randomly. it does this under every os he has tried. 95, 98, and 2k pro. i think the mobo he has now might be the same model as the one he had before but i'm not sure. i think it could be faulty ram but im not sure.





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I believe it might be a GA5-AX mobo (like mine). Try to apply the latest BIOS (i think F1 works fine for w2k), and also get the AGP/IDE patches from www.ali.com.tw

You should do a clean install, apply the patches and then see what happens. You might want to try to go thru several TNT drivers starting with 3.66 smile

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mine does that too!

i calculated it, and its every 3 days mine reboots at a random time

and gues which mobo i have?

gigabyte GA5ax!

i have the latest bios however F3 so i dunno what to do

just applied the AGP Patch see what happens

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I used to have that problem until I figured out it was a stupid thing in my case. In my case it was me not setting the CPU voltage high enough. For some reason where I live depending on season change I have to bump up CPU voltage to compansate for the heat or humidity I guess. In summer I have to bump my voltage up .20, but in winter I can lower the voltage .20. Hope this helps smile

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ok. i'll try that stuff.


he would be lucky if it happened every 3 days. it happens like every 5 minutes unless he is in a game, then it doesnt seem to do it so often, only sometimes. but he cant even browse the internet or anything anymore without it freezing or restarting 5 minutes after he starts up. its really strange. well try getting new bios and the agp/ide patch. i'll see if that helps.

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