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detonator 5.25 available

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Did anyone else's system get fubar'ed by the 5.25 install?


I installed/updated just like always, but the last install screen said


"An error has occured: The specified file could not be found"


That file is not listed anywhere.


Anyways, I tried reverting back to my 5.22's and i get the SAME error message!


I tried any of the earlier driver releases which I've installed before. the SAME error message.. So now i'm stuck with VGA mode and a big yellow exclamation mark beside my TNT2 Ultra card in the device manager.


Does anyone know or have experience with this problem?


In dire need for help.





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Everything is working well for me.





My System:


Dual 850's

Tyan Thunder 2400 MB

256 Megs Ram

Adaptec 39160 Ultra 160

1 - 18 Gig Cheetah - U160

2 - 18 Gig Cheetah U2W

SB Live

Plextor 12/4/32 - Burner

Plextor 40x UW CD-Rom

10x Sony DVD Drive

Hurcules Geforce 2 64meg




You can put your tongue back in your mouth now.

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Oh poopy in my pants! frown...


hmm wtf have i recently changed on my system??? hmmm......


thanks for your replies..



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mr yellow that happened to me too with the 5.16 drivers... like for some reason my system could no longer install drivers. so i had to format and install it from scratch. i hope you find an alternative.

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I didn't try them yet but I noticed two interesting differences compared with previous releases:

- the new nv4_disp.dll is much bigger (+330 KB, which is quite alot),

- there is an additional nvstat.sys file...

Any clue about those two?

I'll install and do some benchmarking tonight.

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nvstat.sys installs in the device manager under non-plug and play drivers as "Nvidia performance analysis tool"...hmmmm.



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Originally posted by spacey:
mr yellow that happened to me too with the 5.16 drivers... like for some reason my system could no longer install drivers. so i had to format and install it from scratch. i hope you find an alternative.


You think doing a windows upgrade installation will do the trick instead of a pure reinstall?

Oh, and does this affect driver installation for all other drivers aswell? i've been afraid to touch other devices...

Thanks for your insight..


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i never tried upgrading... once it was broken i decided the best thing to do was to start over :P


i didn't touch any of the other devices either, but i tried like 5 different display adapters and none of them would install properly.. always that missing file crap


hope you have better luck

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Well, I'm just about to install these 5.25 drivers, so I hope I don't have any of these problems...I've only just got my system back to normal after formatting ;(



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yes, mr yellow, a repair (or upgrade) installation will fix that problem. I don't know what causes it in the first place, but it happened to me back with 5.17. Repairing your installation should fix it.

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Well, I tried the 5.25 set.

- no prob to install

- w2kcoolbits work

- no performance change compared to other 5.xx

- seem very stable thu

- opengl broken in UT as with 5.17 and 5.22

- still no smp support

So I go back to 5.14 which seem to be the last chance drivers for me frown

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at last someone who has the exactly same problem with UT OpenGL as I have.


Instead of making yourself a cup of coffee while UT starts up, try installing DoomLegacy (you need one of the original Dooms for this) and run it. If you get a segment sharing violation, the new Detonators won´t run with UT OpenGL either wink

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I still get the GLimp_EndFrame()_SwapBuffers_Failed! error, when i try too start SOF.


W2kpro. swe

tnt2 U

PII 450

256 Ram

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i used to get that error with q2 also till i fixed my reg entries...


search for the topic "opengl and quake2"

there's a fix for it there..

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