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Please Help...Voodoo5 problems in Win2k

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I recently got a voodoo5 to replace my Leadtek Geforce DDR. I installed everything (win2k drivers etc) and at the last screen "Found New Hardware Screen" it says "This device encountered a problem. The specified file was not found". I then restarted and Win2k detects card all over again.

It even does this with the Geforce now, even when i use 5.22 or 5.25 drrivers or the Leadtek official drivers.

Has anyone encountered this same problem? If you know how to get past this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




My system is:

Celeron 466 o/c to 525

384 MB Hyundai PC100 Ram

Asus P2B-99 mobo

20 gig IBM HD

17 gig Seagate HD

SB LIve! Platinum

Realtek 10mbps Network

6x Toshiba DVD

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Why would you replace your Geforce card with a Voodoo 5.


Smoking to much crack?


Sorry can't help ya.







My System:


Dual Intel 850's

Tyan Thunder 2400 MB

256 Megs Ram

Adaptec 39160 Ultra 160

1 - 18 Gig Cheetah - U160

2 - 18 Gig Cheetah U2W

SB Live Platinum

Plextor 12/4/32 - Burner

Plextor 40x UW CD-Rom

10x Sony DVD Drive

Hurcules Geforce 2 64meg

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Actually i hate NVIDIA. In my opinion they are the most uninnovative graphics company in the market. The Geforce was a gift and better than the I740 i did have so i used the geforce. NEVER AGAIN.

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I agree with Ronin...


I was once happy with a Voodoo3 3000 AGP, then I discovered the CL nvidia TNT2 Ultra.


--- there was no comparison ---


My CL TNT2 Ultra --> CL GeForce SDR --> WinFast GeForce 2 GTS experience has been nothing but enjoyable.


My PIII CuMine 550E @ 733/133 & Abit BF6 combo goes like an absolute GOD, with no problems at all. Everything works perfectly.

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3dfx and nVidia have changed places with the Geforce2/V5. Previous to this, the 3dfx card was the all out speed champ, and the nVidia card was 5 fps behind, but offering much better visual quality and more options. With the V5/G2, 3dfx's card has a better FSAA implementation, and is only a few FPS behind (well, until you turn on FSAA, that is :)). Thats why I'm switching from my TNT2u to a V5, as soon as I can figure out if the damned things work with dual proc systems. (I have an MX300...if I get another piece of HW that doesn't have SMP-capable drivers, my next purchase will be a high powered rifle. :))

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