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FileMaker Smartphone Applications Help Businesses Avert Economic Crunch

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FileMaker Smartphone Applications Help Businesses Avert Economic Crunch - Published on 12/11/08




FMWebschool releases Smartphone business application. Let FMTouch be your compass to guide you into the future. Now more than ever businesses need to be innovative and efficient to stay afloat in this lackluster economy. With nearly 20 million Americans working from their homes, FMWebschool has designed a mobile database tool that will help businesses save money and increase productivity within any market.


Richmond VA - FMWebschool Inc., announces FileMaker Smartphone application to help businesses avert the economic crunch. More and more businesses are looking for ways to cut spending without compromising the quality of service provided. Companies are struggling to maintain their current workforce with less money in an uncertain market. Innovation becomes the keyword here as the once tried and true brick and mortar business is quickly becoming a thing of the past. The new workforce is made up of home and mobile offices. According to Penn, Schoen and Berland a strategic marketing firm, over 20 million Americans now work from home.


Mobile business applications give businesses a key advantage in this economic downturn by saving time and money. Cost savings encompass the entire spectrum of the workforce - from delivery drivers to real estate agents to physicians. By becoming mobile, companies can free up thousands of dollars spent on re-typing data collected in the field. Data can immediately be collected and then synced to the main office. Mobile devices once used for only sending emails, sending SMS messages and making phone calls, can suddenly become powerful devices to drive business applications.


The question is how? How can a device as simple as a smartphone enable an individual to be just as productive as if they were working at a desktop computer or a laptop? FMWebschool decided to focus on a global community, all sharing a common element, FileMaker Pro. FileMaker Pro is a database system with a user-base in the millions. Many companie's entire infrastructure is based on FileMaker database solutions. FMWebschool created a tool that enables individuals to access and deploy FileMaker database solutions on the iPhone and iPod touch.


FMWebschool immediately realized that the new mobile workforce would need the tools to operate from any location and still have access to all of their important data. Individuals would need to be able to access FileMaker databases that until now were only available on their desktop computers or their laptops. FMTouch bridged the gap and allowed businesses to deploy their databases on their iPhone.


The utilization of Smartphones in the business environment is unique as it includes the ability to access database information, and make use of the features that are part of the phone. This makes Smartphones much more powerful than a laptop in many ways. For example, touch screen capabilities enable an individual to be able to perform tasks more quickly on a smartphone than a laptop.


Individuals can quickly search through a FileMaker contacts database on their phone, once the client detail record appears, they can simply touch a phone field, an email field or an SMS field and the smartphone will automatically either dial that number, send an SMS or open the email with their email address in the "to" field depending on their choice. One step further, as they are on the phone with the individual they can change their contact information in the FileMaker database and instantly save it. They could also immediately sync the data and update the information on the main server.


Still not convinced? Consider the home inspector who visits a home, with only a smartphone in hand. He accesses his home inspection database on the smartphone and then proceeds to take pictures, enter data about the house, have the record digitally signed by the home owner, create a PDF of the record with the signature and then instantly email it to the owner. The home inspector can then instantly sync the record to his main computer at the office.


His employer now has a record that has been time stamped; they know where their employee was. The data does not have to be retyped - meaning less errors, and there are photographs and a digitally signed record by the client. For the employer this also means, less chance of data being lost, and the client can be invoiced more quickly and efficiently.


The possibilities of mobile business application are endless; delivery drivers can capture digital signatures immediately for proof of delivery. Doctors can have immediate access to patient records. Realtors can have access to their clients and properties using the database to match clients to potential homes. Let's face it, the business world runs on communication and information and mobile devices combine both.


Businesses must evolve and innovate; those that are stagnant will have the misfortune of seeing their competitors evolve and move forward even in an uncertain market. The opportunity to think outside the box and take action in new directions is now. Let FMTouch be your compass to guide you into the future. FMWebschool is currently developing FMTouch for BlackBerry and Windows Mobile.


FMTouch: http://www.fmtouch.com

Download and Purchase: http://www.fmtouch.com/buy

See FMTouch in Action: http://www.fmtouch.com/fmtouchnew28/fmtouchnew28.html

Container Field Magic: http://www.fmtouch.com/containermagic/containermagic.html

Your Data is safely encrypted: http://www.fmtouch.com/contactdb/contactdb.html

Exploded View of FMTouch: http://www.fmtouch.com/FMTouch120.php



FMWebschool is a team of creative developers specializing in innovative PHP and FileMaker web solutions since 1999. FMWebschool focuses on progressive FileMaker integrated turnkey solutions, training, books, hosting and learning resources to facilitate FileMaker web publishing. FMWebschool has a solid track record and reputation for outstanding customer support and has just won the "Mad Dog Award" from FileMaker Inc. Copyright 2008 FMWebschool. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries. FileMaker Pro is registered trademarks of FileMaker, Inc.




Stephen Knight

Vice President



info ( -at -) fmwebschool.com









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