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win2k stop error: 0x05 PAGE_FAULT when I overclock my Tiger

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My system:


Tiger 133

2 MSI 6905 DUAL Master Slocket Converters

2 Celron 366

256MB PC100

20gig MAXTOR Ultra DMA66

Windows 2000


Everytime I force the CPUs @ a 100mhz FSB with the slockets win2k blue screens me and gives me the stop error: 0x05 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA - ntoskrnl.exe


How can I fix this? I search the microsoft tech knowledge base and read that it was associated with a memory problem. I have heard other people online complaining about memory issues with the TIGER 133 so maybe it is the board, but win2k runs fine when I do not overclock. I have tried switching the RAM into differant banks, and even eliminated one of the DIMMs( I have 2 128 sticks), but I always get this same error. I am wondering if I would have better luck with a differant slocket maybe? I really want to overclock my system and the best preformance!!! Please help!!

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Then mabye you should have gotten a better mobo? wink


Seriously though if you get that message when you do that then.....DON'T DO THAT! smile

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A better MB I would like but I already shelled out the cash for this bad boy and my CPUs and I can not afford to just ditch them and start over. If I HAVE to run at only 366 than i will but I would like to overclock because I know the chips can handle it... but thanks for the thought smile

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Well I would say stop overclocking it and things will work fine.





My Windows 2000 System:


Dual Intel 850's

Tyan Thunder 2400 MB

512 Megs Ram

Adaptec 39160 Ultra 160

1 - 18 Gig Cheetah - U160

2 - 18 Gig Cheetah U2W

SB Live Platinum

Plextor 12/4/32 - Burner

Plextor 40x UW CD-Rom

10x Sony DVD Drive

Hercules Geforce 2 64meg

Viewsonic PF815 22" Monitor


My Win ME System:


PIII 733

Asus P3C4X MB

256 Megs PC133 Mem

Adaptec U2W Scsi Card

1 - 9 Gig Cheetah 10K

48x IDE CD-Rom

CL Geforce DDR

ESS 1371 Sound Card

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