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SuperSync 3.03 released - Special MacWorld Discounts Available

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SuperSync 3.03 released - Special MacWorld Discounts Available - Published on 01/06/09




California based SuperSync has released SuperSync 3.03, an update to their iTunes library manager for Macs, PCs, and iPods. Combining power with simplicity, SuperSync lets users visually compare, merge, and access their media files and playlists from anywhere. Version 3.03, and is a free and recommended upgrade for all users. Special MacWorld discounts are available for a very limited time. Come by MacWorld Expo booth #3526 to see how SuperSync can help keep music libraries in perfect harmony.


Oakland, California - SuperSync has released SuperSync 3.03, an update to their iTunes library manager for Macs, PCs, and iPods. Combining power with simplicity, SuperSync lets users visually compare, merge, and access their media files and playlists from anywhere. MacWorld Expo attendees are invited to visit booth #3526 to see how SuperSync can help keep their music libraries in perfect harmony.


SuperSync makes it easy to create a main library, and have a subset on computers and laptops around the house. By offering an easy way to visually compare and merge multiple iTunes libraries, all music, movies, and playlists can be synced across all devices. Any new content that is added on one computer can be uploaded to the master library.


Use SuperSync to:

* Keep track of all music across multiple computers - Mac OS X, Windows, and iPod

* Compare and merge any two music libraries

* Move music, videos, and playlists from one iTunes library to another

* Export all or a subset of a library as a well-organized directory of tracks

* Find partial albums, duplicates, missing tracks, corrupt files, and other common music library problems

* Intelligently import media from a hard drive, iPod, or network drive without duplicates

* Easily move a music library from Windows to Mac, Mac to Windows, or any combination

* Access a home music library from anywhere - upload/download songs, movies, and playlists

* Share a common library with multiple iTunes users on a network drive

* Access your MP3's and playlists from Tivo


SuperSync 3.03, and is a free and recommended upgrade for all users. Version 3.03 adds a much improved playlist viewer and synchronizer as well as an improved song table layout with better sorting of unicode characters. SuperSync also improves Tivo server support and allows Tivo Series 2/3 owners to access their music from any Tivo-enabled TV. Improved iPod support lets users intelligently access their music, video, and playlists.


Minimum Requirements:

* Mac OS X Version 10.2.8 Jaguar or later (Leopard Compatible)

* Universal Binary for PowerPC and Intel

* Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP

* 8.3 MB Hard Drive space (50MB free for libraries)

* Java 1.4.2 or later

* Internet connection


How SuperSync Works:

SuperSync starts by reading in a local iTunes library. A second, remote library can then be opened, with tracks color coded by whether they are local (gray), remote (blue), or synchronized (green). A remote library can be a disk or directory of music and videos, an iPod, or another networked SuperSync library.


Once two libraries are loaded, the user selects tracks they want to copy from one library to another. Tracks are added and saved in the correct location in the user's iTunes library. Once copied to both locations, the tracks turn green marking them as synchronized. Similarly, playlists can be selected and copied from one library to another.


Tracks that have modified meta data can have their tags updated. Ratings and playcounts can also be updated, so if users mark a track as 5 stars in one library, they can also have it updated in any other library.


Special MacWorld Expo Pricing and Availability:

From Tuesday, January 6th through Sunday, January 11th, special MacWorld discounts will be available at the show booth #3526 and online.


* 2-pak $29 (Show special $20)

* 5-pak $39 (Show special $30)

* 10-pak $59 (Show special $40)


A license is recommended for each computer you keep music on. (A 2-pak can synchronize 2 Mac or PC computers.) Special MacWorld discounts are available for a very limited time. Come by MacWorld Expo booth #3526 to see how SuperSync can help keep music libraries in perfect harmony.


SuperSync 3.03: http://supersync.com

Download SuperSync: http://supersync.com/downloads.php

Purchase SuperSync: http://supersync.com/purchase.php

Screenshot: http://supersync.com/docs/mac/supersync_all.gif

Application Icon: http://supersync.com/downloads/128x128.png



Located in beautiful Oakland, California, SuperSync is a privately funded company founded in 2003 by Brad Lowe. SuperSync is a personal music library synchronization software company, committed to building tools for easy-to-use access to personal music collections. SuperSync is licensed only for reproduction of non-copyrighted materials, materials for which the copyright is owned, or materials users are legally permitted to reproduce. UPnP is a trademark of the UPnP Implementers Corporation. Tivo is a registered trademark of Tivo, Inc. SuperSync is not affiliated with iTunes or Apple, Inc. Mac, iPod, and iTunes are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.




Brad Lowe




supersync ( -at -) gmail.com









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