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SB live 1024 not detected ?!

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My Sb live doesn't work, she was not detected when i want to install Live!Ware !

Please help me, and sorry if this question have already be posted .

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Hmm i've a TNT agp and a SB Live, i've

seen in old post that there is many irq

conflit with agp and Sblive...


And in my control panel i can't see ACPI switch mode , where is the problem ? In my bios the ACPI fonction was enabled...

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The SB Live and all the nVidia cards seem to be rather stingy with their IRQs, so you might try moving the Live to another PCI slot.


About the ACPI, if I were you, I wouldn't just switch the driver. I've heard that it works for some people, but it totally killed my system, and I had to start over with a fresh install. Your best bet is to flash your BIOS with the latest release available, then reinstall Win2k. If you just install the ACPI drivers and it kills your system, be warned that even if you do a rescue and it works, you won't be in ACPI mode, but it will say you are. Very screwy, but that's what happened to my system.


ACPI seems to have fixed all the problems I was having with conflicts between the GeForce and the Live, but then I also refuse to use the liveware 2k drivers until they release liveware 3! Best of luck!

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Thanx, i'm now re-installing [properly] win2k...

i'll try it and see !

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