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FSAA what´s it worth?

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What is really the difference? Any examples?


And another one: which Apps use D3D, and which ones OGL - how can you say, and what is the difference. I sometimes read '...I am running xxx in D3D mode or in OGL mode...' - how can you determine that?



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FSAA reduces the jagged stairstep appearance of diagonal lines in games. Personally, I've tried using it on my GeForce DDR, and I'd rather just run the game in high res without FSAA. Unreal Tournament in particular slowed to a crawl when I enable it. Of course, that may just be UT, because Quake 3 Arena runs just fine in 800x600 FSAA. Some people can see a "shimmering" effect when the diagonal lines move. *shrug* I believe Gamecenter had a nice article showing the difference between the FSAA on the Geforce and the Voodoo 5 btw.


For the second question, all games based on a quake engine are OGL based, including Quake 3 Arena(obviously) and Half-Life. Unreal and Unreal Tournament are best on Glide(3DFX), but they also run on both D3D and OGL. You can tell by opening the preferences menu and looking at the display section. Hope that helps!

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