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infiniteNIL Releases PhoneWord for the iPhone and iPod Touch

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infiniteNIL Releases PhoneWord for the iPhone and iPod Touch - Published on 01/28/09




infiniteNIL has released PhoneWord for the iPhone and iPod Touch. PhoneWord finds a vanity phone number or phone words. PhoneWord can find phone words from phone numbers chosen from the user's contacts or by manually entering a phone number. Users can save phone words as a favorite. Favorite phone words can be given a name and viewed later.


Salt Lake City, UT - infiniteNIL has released version 1.0 of PhoneWord for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Phone Word finds vanity phone numbers, or phone words. Each digit in a phone number has letters associated with it. PhoneWord looks at every combination of the letters from a phone number and tries to find words to replace the digits. The final result is a combination of numbers and letters that hopefully spell something memorable and is called a phone word.


A user can either enter a phone number manually or select a phone number from the built-in Contacts application. PhoneWord supports phone numbers of up to 12 digits, so international phone numbers may be entered. Once the phone number is entered, PhoneWord displays a list of all the possible phone words. The user can select the ones they like and save them to a list of favorites. Favorites may be given an name and may be edited so they are displayed just the way the user likes.


PhoneWord makes phone numbers easier to remember and helps you find vanity phone numbers for your current phone number or any of your friends and associates. PhoneWord makes phone numbers just plain fun.



* Makes phone numbers easier to remember and fun.

* Quickly enter a phone number by choosing one from your contacts

* Uses a dictionary of over 26,000 words to find phone words

* Save and name your favorite phone words


Minimum Requirements:

* iPhone or iPod Touch with 2.2 Software Update


Pricing and Availability:

PhoneWord 1.0 is available now at the iTunes App Store for $1.99 (USD).


infiniteNIL: http://www.infinitenil.com

PhoneWord 1.0: http://www.infinitenil.com/phonewordtouch

Download and Purchase: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=303471983&mt=8

Screenshot: http://infinitenil.com/phonewordtouch/images/main.jpg

App Icon: http://infinitenil.com/phonewordtouch/images/phoneword-icon-512x512.jpg



infiniteNIL Software develops personal productivity software for Mac OS X and the iPhone and offers Cocoa and Rails custom development services. InfiniteNIL, LLC is based in Salt Lake City, Utah and was founded in 2003. Copyright 2003-2008 infiniteNIL Software. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.




Rod Schmidt




rod ( -at -) infinitenil.com









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