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Viper V770 brightness

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I've been using a Voodoo 3 for a while now on my Win2k system and before on NT. My dad's NT4W system had a Riva 128 on it before I obtained a Vipper V770 Ultra to stick in it. Here's the problem... the Viper makes everything extremely bright. I tried it in my computer and it was ten times brighter than my V3. Is this normal for Vipers? And if so, is there a way I can fix it so that it's dimmer *everywhere* not just in a certain Windows profile, including DOS, bootup, etc...




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I have used 2 V770U cards in Win98,NT4, and 2K without any gamma problems in Windows. The only gamma issues I had were with Q3A in Win2K. Have you tried different drivers? How about a different monitor?







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I have tried the card in 2 computers with different monitors and both times it was significantly brighter than either of the original cards (a Voodoo 3 and Riva 128). I have tried different drivers w/ no luck, but since the text at bootup is brighter as well, I doubt the "problem" is driver related. I am beginning to wonder if it's just the way the card is meant to function...

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if it's too bright for you, why don't you just turn down the brightness on your monitor?


Personally, I find I have to turn up the gamma on my v770.....

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