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Why even pay for software? A declaration against poorly implemented DRM

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*Why even pay for software? A declaration against poorly implemented DRM*




I'm guessing you wouldn't usually expect me to make a post like this, but

seriously, where is the incentive to pay for software these days? Yes, it is

unfortunate how millions of people pirate software nowadays, but by now it

has to be clear that there is little to nothing that can be done about it.


Those that can afford to buy software generally do pay for it, but I have

found the hard way that it isn't always worth it, and this is becoming truer

as time goes on thanks to poorly implemented DRM (Digital Rights



When Microsoft released Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit it was rather pricey,

but I still went out and purchased two copies right away - one for me and

one for testing. Although I have paid for the software I'm extremely tempted

to avoid the genuine activation and simply crack it. But why would I do such

a thing for software that I have paid good money for? Well, it's simple.

Because of the large number of people that pirate Windows, Microsoft has

felt compelled to punish the suckers that actually buy it.





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