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Modem tweaking

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I've got a 56k dial up connection that I think may need tweaking so some

advice would be appreciated.


It's a USR 56k v90 ISA modem which works fine under W98, but in W2K it has

an annoying but liveable fault whereby it seems limited in it's throughput.


What I mean is, downloading files is fine, I get 5-6k/sec. But, if I'm

browsing for example, and I want to move to another page, quite often I get

the 'Page cannot be displayed' error. Hit refresh and the page required



Another example would be downloading a file with Go!Zilla. While it's doing

that, if I try to browse then again, page cannot be displayed. A third

example would be while downloading I want to check my e-mail (using OE5),

error saying no server.


It's as though I can only do one thing at once. I realise doing several

things on a dial-up means everything gets done slower, but I'd like to be

able to do that again. I'd prefer, on a large download, not to have to stop

it while I check my e-mail, then resume the download again.


Any ideas?

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The, "page cannot be displayed" error (and then hitting Refresh and it does) was a problem with IE 5.5 beta and it's been carried forward with the final version, or so it seems. I sometimes get that problem, too.


I wonder if a clean install of 5.5, without the beta being on my machine, might cure that. Hmmm....






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