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Voodoo5 32meg only showing ????

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I notice when you check adapter information under Win2k It only reports having 32meg of ram. What might be causing this because the

voodoo5 has 64 megs on board.

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I've read somewhere Voodoo 5000 series have can have 1,2 or 4 VSA-100 procesors in board.


And 64 MB videocard models don't really have 64 MB. They have 32+32 MB. That is, every VSA-100 has 32 MB for texture storage, but they can't access other's VSA-100 ram.


So, you have a kind of SMP 3d card (much like the old Voodo 2 SLI), with two graphics processors that have 32MB for textures, but can't share memory. That's why you only can see 32 MB in your "display adapter" tab.

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Why would you even waste your money on that card..


What a fool..



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the same reason someone would waste their money on a 64 meg hercules geforce 2 smile gts...it all depends on what you use the card for...I have used both cards and *BOTH* have their drawbacks...I'm actually interested to see how the radeon hold up when it starts getting into more machines...maybe it will add another dimension to the card wars...

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Hey Ronin. I have seen both GF2 and V5 5500 in action. Frame rate was about the same. Image quality about the same. Either card is a good choice.

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For what it is worth The Radeon cards are GREAT!! I run 32 Bit hi resolution and it kicks butt!!!



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