news 28 Posted February 23, 2009 Fedora Weekly News Issue 164 Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 164 for the week ending February 22nd, 2009. This week Announcements showcases Fedora Unity respins of Fedora 10, PlanetFedora selects some great blog entries on how to tag audio streams in PulseAudio and use func, QualityAssurance explains how to participate in test days, Developments covers the "Fedora 11 Mass Rebuild", Translations describes the new "L10n Infrastructure Team", Artwork covers some pretty "Evolving Fedora 11 Artwork" and Virtualization examines attempts to bridge the gap between libvirt and host network interface configuration. If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-list ( -at -) FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala 1. -- Announcements -- In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project. Contributing Writer: Max Spevack --- General --- Your faithful correspondent announced[1] that this year's European FUDCon will be held in Berlin from June 26 - 28, overlapping partially with LinuxTag. Everyone is encouraged to read the full announcement and to register[2] for the event. Ben Williams, whose wife knits incredible scarves with Tux on them, announced[3] that a new set of Fedora 10 respins have been released by the Fedora Unity[4] team, containing all updates through February 10. Technical Jesse Keating reminded[5] the community that "due to a number of features, every package in Fedora 11 needs to be rebuilt." A wiki page[6] has been created that package maintainers should look to for more information. Peter Gordon announced[7] that an update to rb_libtorrent includes a soname bump that impacts other packages. --- Upcoming Events --- February 27 - March 1: FOSSMeet ( -at -) NITC[8] in Calicut, India. February 28: Fedora Round Table[9] in Karlsruhe, Germany. March 5-7: Computer Using Educators[10] in Palm Springs, CA. March 9: Florida Linux Show[11] in Jacksonville, FL. March 10-12: FOSE[12] in Washington, DC. March 13-15: Chemnitzer Linux Tage[13] in Chemnitz, Germany. --- FUDCon Berlin 2009 --- FUDCon Berlin[14] will be held from June 26 - 28 in Berlin, Germany. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. -- Planet Fedora -- In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide. Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin --- General --- Michael DeHaan discussed[1] various Linux system configuration applets and some ideas how to unify/integrate them. On an unrelated note, he also wrote[2] about HTML Slidey[3]: Slide Shows in XHTML. Gary Benson announced[4] that Zero has passed the Java SE 6 TCK, which means that OpenJDK in Fedora 10 for 32 and 64 bit PowerPC-based systems are now pretty much guaranteed to run anything you can throw at them. Daniel Walsh explained[5],[6] some SELinux history, voodoo and how to rebuild bits of the policy RPMs. Jeremy Katz reviewed[7] the book Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug and how that applies to web usability. Red Hat Magazine[8] spotlighted[9] Func, which "makes it easy to write commands across large numbers of machines remotely and securely". Ankur Sinha wrote[10] an article about the history of Fedora and its four core values. Jef Spaleta wondered[11] how popular Git was, and found some interesting statistics from GitHub. He also discovered that apparently some[12] Canonical developers (the kernel folks) do used Git instead of Bzr. Roland Wolters announced[13] that RPM Fusion[14] ("a merge of several former Fedora 3rd party repositories providing licence/patent problematic packages") has entered the testing state. Ryan Lerch described[15] how to "Create a Lightbulb Icon that follows the tango! guidelines". Jack Aboutboul wrote[16] about what can be done to rejuvinate Fedora Marketing. Lennart Poettering explained[17] how to "tag" audio streams so that Pulse Audio can automatically manage sound policy ("For example, starting in 0.9.15, we will automatically pause your media player while a phone call is going on"). Seth Vidal described[18] how to adapt to the change to SHA256 checksums in yum/createrepo on EL5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. --- Events --- Francesco Crippa posted[1] some photos from FOSDEM 2009. 1. -- QualityAssurance -- In this section, we cover the activities of the QA team[1]. Contributing Writer: Adam Williamson 1. --- Test Days --- This week's regular test day[1] was on 20 Second Startup[2]. Harald Hoyer was the developer present, and there was a great turnout of 20 people contributing test results. Further results are still welcome from anyone - a full set of instructions for running tests is available on the Wiki page. As a result of the testing, Harald has made several modifications already that will help to optimize boot times for Fedora 11. Next week's test day[3] will be on the Crash Catcher[4] feature planned for Fedora 11, which aims to make it easy for non-power uses to file useful reports when an application crashes. It will be held on Thursday (2009-02-26) in the #fedora-qa channel on Freenode IRC. Please drop by if you would like to help test this important new feature for Fedora 11 - no special equipment or expertise required! 1. 2. 3. 4. --- Weekly meetings --- The QA group weekly meeting[1] was held on 2009-02-18. The full log is available[2]. Will Woods gave a status report on the progress of the autoqa[3] project, which is working on creating automated test scripts to run whenever certain events happen. The group agreed to create an autoqa component in the fedora-qa trac instance, and create a new Share this post Link to post