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Win2k installation help please!

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I can't seem to install Win2k Pro on my PC. The setup works fine up until it gets to the "detecting and installing devices screen" here it gets up to about 90% and then the screen goes black and a whole line of commas appear on the screena and the PC won't work forcing me a to do a hard reset. I've left the system for 25 minutes on this screen and nothing happens. I am attempting a clean install.


System Spec:

ABit KA7-100 [latest BIOS installed]

Athlon K7-750

128 MB PC133

Western Digital 4GB

Mitsumi CD-RW drive CR-4804-TE

Sound Blaster Live! Value

Practical Periphereals ISA 33.6 modem

ATI Rage 128 video

Panasonic S70 Monitor

Two 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drives


I don't know what the hell is wrong with this installation. The installation was fine on my old P166 MMX, in which the same monitor, hard disk, and modem worked fine so I have eliminated them as the problem. Is there a compatibility issue with the VIA KX133 chipset? Thanks guys!

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well if no one else has any ideas, you should try removing all non-essential hardware, leaving only the video card, maouse, and keyboard. If it works, then you have a hardware conflict. Just because your modem, etc. was working on a different computer doesn't mean it can't be the conflicting now....

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I currently have Windows 98 installed with no hardware conflicts. But your suggestion is a good one and I will use it if all else fails.

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Hmm, monitor flickering totally normal for most things. If the screen turn black and shows a bunch of commas, then there is obviously a problem. My only guess would be that when it goes to the video card, and it attempts to refresh it, its getting hung up. Most of your stuff looks pretty dialed so I doubt its any of the cards tripping you up. How many times have you tried the installation? On my old P200, it would reboot sometimes during the installation, which I equate to bad memory configuration, which is kinda true. If you have problems trying the installation a few more times, and the results are different (not the same as you described) it may be a memory issue, sometimes those guys can be hard to track down.

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Not related to the above question, but the topic is still the same


Installing Win2k on a formatted and clean hdd.


I keep getting NTOSKRNL errors in the installation. Seriously...WTF!

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I did the installation a couple of times and same result. However, I have done some web searching and found some possible causes. The video card and sound card share the same irq. Normally this is ok, but sometimes the video adapter hates sharing, so I am going to try to force the sound card to use another irq. Also the Mitsumi CD-RW drive could be a problem as well, as my motherboard, the CD drive and Win2k, don't like each other [i don't think this is the case, since Win2k was installing fine off of it, and only crashed witht the video flickering, but you never know!]

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I did the installation a couple of times and same result. However, I have done some web searching and found some possible causes. The video card and sound card share the same irq. Normally this is ok, but sometimes the video adapter hates sharing, so I am going to try to force the sound card to use another irq. Also the Mitsumi CD-RW drive could be a problem as well, as my motherboard, the CD drive and Win2k, don't like each other [i don't think this is the case, since Win2k was installing fine off of it, and only crashed witht the video flickering, but you never know!]

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