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24" HP Debranded HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor Review @ OCIA.net

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OCIA.net has posted their review of the 24" HP Debranded HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor. Below is a direct quote from the review:


"Anyone that spends a lot of time in front of a computer monitor, whether for business or pleasure, knows that productivity is directly related to how much screen space you have at your disposal. Having several windows and programs open and visible at one time can save you a lot of time. Up until recently, if you really wanted a lot of desktop real estate, but didn't want to spend a small fortune to get it, the most economical choice was to run dual monitors. Now that LCD monitor prices have dropped substantially in price, however, many can now afford to upgrade to a larger monitor without breaking the bank. Such is the case with today's review sample, the 24" HP Debranded HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor."


Direct Link: http://www.ocia.net/reviews/24hpdebranded/page1.shtml


Image Link: http://www.ocia.net/images/icons/396.jpg


Site Link: http://www.ocia.net


A news posting on your site would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your support!



OCIA.net Staff



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