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Watchmen: The End Is Nigh reviewed @ ITreviewed

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We’ve just posted our latest review and would love it if you linked to it.

Thanks greatly!




“Watchmen: The End Is Nigh is a gut-punching but derivative combat game.

It’s not the most imaginative in terms of gameplay, and you may tire quickly

of button bashing against 20 or so enemies on screen at once. But it sports

excellent graphics (lighting in particular is awesome), animations and cut

scenes inspired by the film. It also has rock solid audio, thanks to

impressive voice acting from the film's cast and upbeat background music.

Thanks to numerous combos, finishing moves and no shortage of thugs, you’ll

certainly get your combat fix. However, the downloadable-only game is

expensive at 1600 points (around £12) considering it’ll only take you around

3 hours to finish and there is no online co-op mode for longevity. As a

consolation you can play locally alongside a friend, and there are

Achievements and Trophies to unlock. More levels and characters (no Silk

Spectre II) would have made this a better value game. As it stands,

Watchmen: The End Is Nigh manages to capture the essence of the renowned

comic sweetly, but the experience is just too short lived.”










Christian Harris


Founder & Editor, ITreviewed.co.uk (formerly BIOS)


info ( -at -) itreviewed.co.uk





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