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Amazon Kindle 2 Review @ Hardware Secrets

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We've just posted a new article on our website, Hardware Secrets.


Title: Amazon Kindle 2 Review

Link: http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/700

Category: Reviews



Review of the Kindle 2 electronic book reader. How is it compared to the previous Kindle and other e-book readers? Check it out.


Here is a snippet:

"Last year Amazon introduced their somewhat revolutionary electronic book reader called the Kindle, which we reviewed at launch time. Although the technology was excellent, the first Kindle had several design flaws that kept it on the far side of perfection. Recently Amazon brought out the next generation Kindle, aptly named the Kindle 2. We decided to check it out to see how the new Kindle stacked up to the original Kindle as well as other e-book readers."


A news post would be highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


Gabriel Torres


Hardware Secrets





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