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Win2k server

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Ok i want to know if win2k server will run on the following system. Im running nt4 on it and it really like to upgrade:


AMD K6 233

64Meg Ram

1.7 Gig Hard Disk

Really Crap ATI Graphics Card (256kb or summat)


Id like to get win2k on there and if i can ill use it as a dedicated lan server. I think the main problem will be the RAM but all i want to know is WILL IT INSTALL AND RUN? if its slow i dont care.





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Yes, it will. Processor is fine but you really REALLY need some more memory. Windows 2000 AS without any of the services for server loaded takes up 58m all by it's little self.

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Dude add like 128 megs more ram and at least 3 more gigz of space. I have a 2k server up with a celery 333@500 with 220 megs and 13.6 7200rpm and a 20gig 5400rpm drive. That is acceptable but not as fast as I would like it. It eats that memory up. Its my mp3/web/exchange/coutner strike server. remote controlled by pc anywhere.


It was a dog with 96 megs. I made it 220 and now its alot smoother. I still have only 40megs of ram left after everything and it gets worse depending on the web and mail traffic.


so... more ram more hd space.


good luck

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Yeah, I had an MSDN version of Win2K AS running on my server (which was a cel 333 with 128MB RAM, 1 6GB drive and 3 4.3GB drives striped in software "RAID5"--striped with parity) and it was a complete dog. If it crashed and rebooted, it would take forever to reboot because it would verify the stripe set (NT didn't do this), and that would take about 45min on its own. I want to go for the Win2K MCSE since I have a freebie test comin to me from my NT4 MCSE cert, but I am afraid that I don't have enough box to run it now. I upgraded to 192MB of RAM and I have a cel 300 o/ced to 450, so I may try again. I have SMS 2.0, SQL 7.0, MDaemon 3, 6 websites and 2 FTP sites running on it (most of the sites are for testing with one "live" site) along with other misc. services. I don't think that Win2K AS will hang with all that on this box like NT can.






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Server will not install unless you have 64m. But you can bypass that by editing a file. winklaugh

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right ta thats ok - all i need it to do is serve files and act as a proxy for the net so im sure it will be fine with 64 (untill i get more money) no worries - the damned thing doesn't even have a monitor smile

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