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Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #137

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Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #137 for the week April

5th - April 11th, 2009. In this issue we cover: Archive frozen in

preparation of Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 7.10 reaches EOL April 18th, Ubuntu

Open Week, QA Team: Next Testing Day, LoCo Team news(New York, Florida,

Nebraska, Australia, and Tunisia), Up[censored] the PPA Docs, Meet Gavin

Panella, Expanding the Forum Council, New Staff in Town, apt URLs now

available on the Ubuntu Wiki, More Easter eggs in Ubuntu, Bookmarkftp

update, Running Ubuntu: literally, Ubunchu the Ubuntu Manga is now in

English, Ubuntu Server Team meeting minutes, and much, much more!


== UWN Translations ==


* Note to translators and our readers: We are trying a new way of

linking to our translations pages. Please follow the link below for the

information you need.




== In This Issue ==


* Archive frozen in preparation of Ubuntu 9.04

* Ubuntu 7.10 reaches EOL April 18th

* Ubuntu Open Week

* QA Team: Next Testing Day

* Ubuntu Stats

* LoCo News: New York, Florida, Nebraska, North Carolina, Australia, &


* Up[censored] the PPA Docs

* Meet Gavin Panella

* Expanding the Forum Council

* New Staff in Town

* The Planet: Jim Campbell, Jonathan Carter, John Vivirito, and Dustin


* In the Press & Blogosphere

* Ubunchu the Ubuntu Manga is now in English

* Ubuntu Server Team Meeting Minutes

* Upcoming Meetings & Events

* Updates & Security


== General Community News ==


=== Archive frozen in preparation of Ubuntu 9.04 ===


Steve Langasek reports that we are less than a week away from the

Release Candidate for Ubuntu 9.04, Jaunty Jackalope. Proposed date for

the Release Candidate is April 16, 2009. The archive is now frozen and

will not thaw again before release. Uploads to universe should again

follow the guidelines described here:




The list of release-critical bugs that need to be resolved before the

release candidate on April 16 is tracked here:




Additional bugs that are still considered "targets of opportunity" for

the release are found at:






=== Ubuntu 7.10 reaches EOL April 18th ===


Ubuntu 7.10, Gutsy Gibbon, will reach end of life on Saturday, April

18th, 2009. It has been supported for the past 18 months, but following

April 18th will no longer receive Ubuntu Security Notices or Updates.

Note that upgrades to version 8.10 and beyond are only supported in

multiple steps, via an upgrade first to 8.04 LTS, then to 8.10. Both

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and Ubuntu 8.10 continue to be actively supported with

security updates and select high-impact bug fixes. The supported upgrade

path from Ubuntu 7.10 is via Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. Instructions and caveats

for the upgrade may be found at





=== Ubuntu Open Week ===


Welcome to the Ubuntu Open Week!


The next Open Week takes place from Monday April 27th - Friday May 1st

on IRC in #ubuntu-classroom. In just four years, Ubuntu has become one

the most popular Linux distributions in the world with millions of

users, and a thriving community. Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC

tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll

world that is the Ubuntu community. The session are organized for the

beginning of a new release cycle to help new contributors get involved.


Ubuntu Open Week is a series of online workshops where you can:


* learn about the Ubuntu landscape

* talk to some of the key developers from the Ubuntu project

* find out about the Community and its relationship with Canonical

* participate in an open Q&A with Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Ubuntu

* much more...




=== QA Team: Next Testing Day ===


The next testing day will be on Monday, April 13, 2009. The team will be

smoke testing any *buntu desktop of your choice. The goals on the day

will be to test the installer and applications on the CD as well as

those you download from repositories and use regularly. The team will be

looking for any regressions or breakages in these packages and reporting

faults to launchpad. Join them on #ubuntu-testing on the freenode

network. Go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/20090413

to find out more and get involved.




== Ubuntu Stats ==


=== Bug Stats ===


* Open (51262) +906 over last week

* Critical (16) -2 over last week

* Unconfirmed (21961) +884 over last week

* Unassigned (43507) +884 over last week

* All bugs ever reported (269754) +3019 over last week


As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started,

please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad


=== Translation Stats Jaunty ===


* Spanish (15806) -950 over last week

* French (43389) -907 over last week

* Swedish (54531) -743 over last week

* Brazilian Portuguese (56938) -885 over last week

* English (Uk) (59007) -26485 over last week


Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope," see

more at: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/


=== Translation Stats Intrepid ===


* Spanish (15230) +/-0 over last week

* French (59023) +/-0 over last week

* Swedish (63241) +/-0 over last week

* Brazilian Portuguese (63631) -98 over last week

* English (UK) (78012) +/-0 over last week


Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex," see more

at: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/


=== Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week ===


* The ability to change aspects to the new notification system (such

as color) - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/19114/

* System Monitor does not show which network connections are active -


* HDD spindown option - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/19143/

* Helping with art in Ubuntu is not accessible -


* We have no choice in right click menu entries -



Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add your

ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or against

another idea. http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/


== LoCo News ==


=== New York State LoCo - Jaunty Launch Party ===


The New York State LoCo has just received fliers for their Jaunty

Release party that's set for April 25. The fliers were made up for them

by System76. They are planning to have a 2 hour public information

event, followed by a 2 hour release party. All Ubuntu users in the

Finger Lakes region are invited. To learn more about the System 76 flier

program visit: http://knowledge76.com/index.php/76er_Program




=== Florida Team ===


The Florida Team held their regular team meeting on April 7. Topics of

discussion included a new Linked-In group for LoCo members, and upcoming

release parties.


1. Gainesville - April 25, 5:30pm, at Fiber Optics Plus. Food and demos.

2. Jacksonville/St. Augustine - April 25, 3pm at City Coffee Company.

Food, installs, demos.

3. Melbourne/Rockledge - Installs and demos.

4. Orlando - Tenative May 9. Social.

5. Tampa - Tenative May 2.

6. Tallahassee - May 2, 12pm - 4pm, at the Leroy Collins Public

Library. Installs and demos. (Facebook Event Page)


Stay tuned for more information on Miami and Jacksonville! Further

details can be found here:





=== Nebraska Team ===


Dave Thacker presented "Ubuntu Stuff" to the Omaha Linux User Group on

April 7.




=== North Carolina Team ===


The North Carolina team continues planning for upcoming release parties.

A previous meeting was held on April 7, and a follow up is scheduled

for April 15, 7:30-8:30pm Eastern, in #ubuntu-us-nc. For all those who

are in NC or those who can offer advice on implementation please plan on

attending. We need every voice. It can only be successful when we all

come together as a Team, so let's go team. Looking forwarding to seeing

how many release parties we can get off the ground. Join us next week

and let's plan on how to introduce and celebrate the arrival of Jaunty

Jackalope in North Carolina.




=== Ubuntu Release Party: Sydney ===


Ubuntu users in the Sydney area are invited to join the festivities on

April 25 at the James Squire Brewhouse on King Street Wharf. The party

starts at 4 PM, and those with Ubuntu t-shirts are encouraged to wear

them. Daring party goers may even choose to dress up as with antler

headbands or hats (like those ones from Christmas) as tribute to the

mythical Jackalope.




=== Ubuntu day Sidi Bouzid - Tunisia ===


The Ubuntu-tn LoCo Team continues to visit various cities to present

Ubuntu and free software. This time, they stopped at the Higher

Institute of Technological Studies of Sidi Bouzid (ISET) in response to

an invitation received from the Computer Science Department. More than

100 people turned out for the presentations, and 20 remained for an

installfest of Ubuntu 8.10. The link includes even more information and

pictures of the event.




== Launchpad News ==


=== Up[censored] the PPA Docs ===


The Personal Package Archive documentation currently exists as one long

and somewhat unwieldy wiki page. Over the next couple of months this

should be broken down into smaller guides. Each guide will be based

around one particular task. Included in this effort will be a basic

packaging guide tailored specifically to the needs of PPAs. Current

possibilities include:

* packaging guide blueprint

* package upload guide blueprint

* package publication lifecycle reference blueprint

* downloading and installing from PPAs guide blueprint

* bug report tracking changes needed for the PPA tour page.

You are encouraged to add to the list by email, comment on the blog

page, or visit the bug report and blueprints page for it. More

information is at the link.




=== Meet Gavin Panella ===


Gavin Panella is the UK's most easterly developer. A lot of his work is

behind the scenes on the bug activity log, but a user might notice a

more detailed bug activity log and the interleaving of bug activity with

comments on each bug page. Though children take up most of his non-work

time, he has made contributions outside of his Launchpad work, including

Bazaar, galleryuploader, python-macports, and storm on Launchpad. Read

the complete interview at the link.




== Ubuntu Forums News ==


=== Expanding the Forum Council ===


With the rapid growth of the community, the Forum Council

(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncil) has now seven members, after two

long time Forums Staff members have been voted in by the Community

Council: bodhi.zazen (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=89054) and

bapoumba (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=171805). They are now

part of the Forums Administrators.


Being part of the Forum Council is a two years term position that can be



=== New Staff in Town ===


This week has also seen several changes to the Forums Staff Team. Four

new moderators have accepted to join: cariboo907

(http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=77104), forestpixie

(http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=610428), Michael.Godawski

(http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=541281) and tinivole

(http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=490875) who have all demonstrated

constant kind and positive inputs on the forums.


Adding moderators is discussed after a Forum Council member opens a

discussion in the Staff area. Every Staff is welcome to suggest members.

The Forum Council then sends invitations based on the discussions.


== The Planet ==


=== Jim Campbell: apt URLs now available on the Ubuntu Wiki ===


Good news on the wiki front. As of this April 9th, apt-urls are enabled

on the Ubuntu Wiki. What does this mean? In simple terms, this feature

provides a simple, wiki-based interface for apt, the base of the Ubuntu

software management system. It means that you can now insert clickable

links on the wiki that can prompt users to install software from the

Ubuntu repositories. How cool is that? For instruction on how to format

this great new wiki feature, visit the link.




=== Jonathan Carter: More Easter eggs in Ubuntu ===


Here are a few of the hidden easter eggs Jonathan has found:


* Robots: Type about:robots in the Firefox address bar. You'll get a

window "Welcoming Humans!

* Require Quarter: In GDM, the Ubuntu login screen, type “Require

Quarter†and press enter. It will return back to the login prompt as if

you haven’t typed anything at all. When the next user comes to log in,

the system will display a prompt that says “Insert 25 cents to continue…â€

* Zenity Dress Up: Zenity is a tool that you can use to add some GUI

functionality to your scripts. If you execute zenity –about, and type

“zen†into the about dialog, then you will get to play dress-up Mr

Potato style. This doesn’t seem to work on Jaunty anymore.

* StarCalc Team: In OpenOffice.org Calc, type “=STARCALCTEAM()†into

any of the cells. A picture will be displayed of the original Star

Office Calc team.

* GEGL Eggs in Gnome: Right-click on an open space on the gnome-panel

and click on properties.Right-click 3 times on any of the tabs. A GEGL

cow will fly by waving at you. You can also play the gegls from outer

space game. Press ALT+F2, then typs “gegls from outer spaceâ€

* The Answer in VIM: Type :help 42 in the command field, and you will

get a message.




=== John Vivirito: Bookmarksftp update ===


John Vivirito has finished with his first update to bookmarksftp and

would love testers so he can get it in Debian and Ubuntu as soon as he

can. You can find the updated .deb and source from his PPA:

https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive/ppa Please send feed

back to either: irc.freenode.net #ubuntu-mozillateam and ask for him. Or


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