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SB PCI128 and NT 4.0 workstation: not seeing the whole pictu

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i have windows NT 4.0 workstation, a 333MHz celeron, 256MB of RAM. NT will not assign resources for my soundblaster PCI128 soundcard. Everything from my scanner to my video card has no problem, but the sound card will not work. I've tried to add the driver from the multimedia control applet and it won't take it. I installed it from the installation disk and it doesn't work. Updated driver has no effect. Motherboard is made by ABIT Model BF6 PIII Motherboard. Under the multimedia applet for the audio devices, the IRQ and ports are blanked out and the event log says the network device or resource is no longer availible. Plug and Play OS installed is NOT enabled in BIOS. I've covered every base i can think of at this point. Linux, BeOS, Win95/98 have no problem with this card and Linux and BeOS are not PnP OS's. Any help or ideas as to how i could manually assign resources would be nice. Any ideas you have can be helpful.

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