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Please help me........I don't want to have to run WinME!

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I'm have big problems. Like random hard locks that just started again, for no appearent reason, and just today, it started with the "The specified port is not connected" while Authorizing internet connections. It had'nt been doing either problems before, and the only change was i moved the CPU fan from a support bar to the hole in the side of the case, and installed SP1. It was freezing before SP1, however.

I'm going to uninstall SP1 and see if that fixes my "specified blah blah blah" error.


ANY bit of help will be very appreciated, seeing as how I despise 9x core OS' and couldnt stand running WinME, if I could avoid it.......


Obligatory System Specs

Intel MU440EX(latest BIOS)

Celeron366 @ 366mhz

128MB PC100-CAS2

Maxtor 10gb

3dfx Voodoo Banshee

Yamaha YMF740

Aztech 56kPCI

Liteon 32x CDROM

MicroATX POS case

14in Kenitec @ 1024x768x16

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How was your system performing under 9x? Did everything run fine or did you experience lock-ups there as well?


And how did you install Win2k? Was it a clean install, or did you upgrade from 9x?


If it was an upgrade, you might want to try wiping the machine and doing a clean install.


This should clear the problem if it is anything to do with a 9x upgrade.


I notice from your sig that you run 1024x768 on a 14" monitor. That must hard on the eyes!!

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Bursar:Nah it worked fine in 9x/ME.

I had a failed upgrade from ME, and i went for a clean install

And it might be hard one somebody elses eyes, but mine are fairly screwed up.


michaeljbrooks:thnx for the FTP. i believe my modem is based on a Lucent chipset of somekind


Obligatory System Specs

Intel MU440EX(latest BIOS)

Celeron366 @ 366mhz

128MB PC100-CAS2

Maxtor 10gb

3dfx Voodoo Banshee

Yamaha YMF740

Aztech 56kPCI

Liteon 32x CDROM

MicroATX POS case

14in Kenitec @ 1024x768x16

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