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Heat on your CPU

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I wondered if anyone can throw out some ideas of how hot a CPU should be allowed to get. I have my PIII 500E overclocked to 667MHz, and it throws about 91F under normal usage, and about 114F under a full load (SETI or Unreal/Quake). I was thinking about getting a new HSF to replace the $10 one I got when I bought the chip.


Open for suggestions/thoughts...




[This message has been edited by Down8 (edited 18 October 2000).]

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Generally any one from globalwin is a good bet. Your cpu should go too much above 35Celius under heavy load...

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Damn, I have been running a little hot then.

I've killed SETI untill I get a nicer HSF.




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Sweet. I got a Thermaltake Golden Orb today, and I've been running SETI for about 4 hours at 95F [35C]. Those damn things are better than I thought.


Strange too: I picked up the Orb from Fry's in a little thug package, a total rip off, but it is a real Thermaltake, even according to Thermaltake's page. Still cost me $30 though.


Next project: a better case fan. Mine is rediculously loud. Turn your speakers up a bit above normal, and you'll hear what I hear when I'm at my machine. I tihnk that fans is about dead. Any recommendations on a specific case fan, or or they pretty much the same?



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