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w2k, smp, geforce = PAIN!?

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Hi, I've got Aopen DX6G Plus dual 500mhz and a geforce 256 running w2k. I can't get it to work smirk I've tried: upgrading the motherboard bios, using the latest drivers, I reinstalled w2k three times last night. But the computer hangs everytime I play a video with mediaplayer, goto the screen saver panel and choose one of the OpenGL screen savers or start quake2/3.

What drivers should I be using for my machine?

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with SMP, No pain = no gain... (well usually!)


It might be that your motherboard cannot cope with the thirst of the GeForce (they draw alot of power). The Epox KP6-BS dual slot1 was a good board for NT4, but the AGP functions of Win2K and a TNT etc can knock it over quite easily in ANY 3D application.


Make sure you've installed SP1 AND the Win2K Compatabilty updates (www.windowsupdate.com)and are using the latest Detonator drivers (Ver 6.31 are even WHQL certified, well mine are) If you still have problems I'd look closely at getting a replacement motherboard, eg ASUS P2B-D etc for dual slot-1 or Abit VP6/MSI 694D for dual S370. Dual CPUs rock under Win2K, I think its worth the effort/cost to get a SMP rig going, but you've got to have 100% quality hardware, not 99%... 100!


Try looking at www.2cpu.com for more help.


smile Greggy

Dual PIII 700 @ 933, MSI 694D (4in1 ver 4.25), 256Mb PC133, WinFast GeForce2 GTS (Det 6.31 WHQL), 20Gb Barracuda IDE on ATA-100, Win 2000 Pro SP1 -= no probs at all =-

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I have a 300w powersupply, I think that would be enough? I also removed all other cards from the machine so they would not draw power (does that matter?).

I've tried 2cpu.com but found nothing. I think it's a driver issue or something, because I used to be able to use my machine with some older det. drivers (don't remember what version).

Any help or hints would be great! Thanks!

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Some BP6 owners (dual 440BX S370 Celeron motherboard) found that forcing the AGP speed to 1x instead of 2x (using Powerstrip or equivalent) seemed to fix the '3D freeze'. It may be worth a shot. Don't worry, you'll only take a small performance hit.

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[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NVIDIA Corporation\Global\System]




Paste the above into notepad, and call it agp1x.reg (or anything you want .reg)

Then merge it with registry. If that don't work, do what greggy suggested and install PowerStrip, and force it to agp1x.

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I installed powerstrip and forced AGPx1. Things are better and I can play games again smile

However, in some directx fullscreen modes the monitor goes out of sync. This happens in some games (like Swat) when loading the intro and playing the game and also when I run dxdiag.exe and test full screen. Could this be a driver problem or something I could tweak to fix?

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Not sure m8,


You sure you haven't got your refresh rates too high on your monitor?


Knock the refresh rate down, and see if it still does it.


Other than that, you can do a search on the forum for 'refresh', I think someone else had this problem.







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