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Geforce still locking up

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Here is the situation:


Athlon 600 w/Asus K7M

256 Megs of RAM

Elsa Erazor X^2 (Geforce 256 using 6.34 WHQL)

SBLive card running latest drivers

Win2k SP1 w/VIA patch installed


Computer continues to lockup while doing any 3d applications. Sometimes it locks up immediately sometimes it takes 10 mins. Any help would be gratefully appreciated thx in advance.




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I have the same problem, but the only difference is that I have the FIC 503+ motherboard. It doesn't matter which video card I put in, it will just lock up, before booting up to the desktop. It hangs on the black screen.


I heard that putting out he Realmagic DVD card, is suppose to fix that problem. Can someone please confirm this for me.




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