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giuseppe pugliese

PCI-to-PCI bridge resources

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Hi, can you please help me directly or redirect this question ?

Our platfom is, from PCI point of view, multi-bus and then we need to allocate on PCI-to-PCI bridge 48K I/O space. All is OK with Linux, Solaris

and Windows NT4.0.

With Windows2000, bridge is marked with yellow exclamation mark and all controllers/devices that depends on that bridge are disabled.

Looking at bridge poperties: message "The device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. (code 12)" appears in General menu and messagge "Input/Output range 3000 - EFFF is not available" appears in Resources menu.

Installed HAL is for Standard PC.


Thanks in advance, best regards.


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I too get this message. Let me guess, are you using an AMD system with a VIA chipset motherboard? Because I still haven't figure out a way to get rid of this message yet. Let along trying to get pass the black screen where it hangs for me.




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