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Gambler FEX online

MouseWare 9.0

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Ok I thought it was time I experimented with moouse accelleration in quake3 and I downloaded and installed mouseware 9.0 for my logitech mouseman usb or whatever its name is.


Ok I rebooted I could finally assign thumb button to gesture and get accelleration in quake 3


middle button :double click

thumb button :back-command in IE


But! next time I reboot the wheel dont work and thumb button is just performing the left mouse buttons function in quake 3!


Further, in IE the thumb button is double-click instead of back-command.


A top of this, when using the wheel the srolling in IE is a little jerky, higly annoying!


I read






but they where old, and did not help. I also applied the reg fix but to no avail, it is just for NT 4.0 and 9x I guess frown I installed Liveware 9.0 on a pretty clean system.

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I have a Compaq branded version of your mouse, and it works fine all the time, except... in games. No UT or Q3A extra buttons frown. But, as for the I.E. jerky scroll, there is an option in IE [Tools > Internet Options > Adavnced > Use Smooth Scrolling] that might help.



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It helped, thanks, but the jerkiness is still there, it is very strange but every second time I use the wheel to scroll ir scroolls and extra 3 lines and that takes half a sec or so to finish, so it is kinda "laggy" to scroll and I must wait longer until I can read the text and when I can it is not where I expect it to be.


Annoying problem indeed.


However, I found a way to "fix" the back-command button (with thumb button) issue, just load MouseWare config screen and click "ok."


Try setting the thumb button or middle button to F12 or shift, and then define it in the game, that worked for me.

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I get that extra scool problem too. I hate it. It only happens in I.E., so I blame MS on this, not Logitech.



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