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who is expert in win2k?

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I have an Abit Hotrod ata66 card on an Intel se440bx-2 mobo. I just bought an IBM dtla 30gb 75gxp drive. I understand that you need the 1.26 bios and drivers to run win2k with this hardware. I updated my bios and installed the drivers in win2k before connecting the drive to the card. Now, when I do connect the card, the win2k dtartup screen appears, then freezes. I can't boot past the nice picture.

Just to make things more fun, I dual boot on two seperate drives. The other drive is an older ata66 drive that has winme on it. I can boot fine into winme with the 1.26 drivers. Does anyone own a dtla drive and can boot into win2k from a hotrod add-in card?

Any help would be appreciated.


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I think I might have a possible thing you need to look into.

The IBM drives have their transfer rate set in their Firmware.

This can either be set to ATA-33, ATA-66 or ATA-100.

Now by default the IBM drives seem to come set as ATA-100 drives.

This causes problems as your controller is ATA-66.

What you need to do is pop along to IBM's site, I can't remember exactly the link you need, go to software & drivers and download the 'Speedset' application for the IBM HD's and set your new drive as ATA-66.

I had the same problem, I did have an ABit BE6-II motherboard with on-board Hotrod ATA-66 contoller.

I added a new IBM drive and had hard locks etc.


[This message has been edited by BladeRunner (edited 12 November 2000).]

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Thanks for the reply. I got the software from IBM. I switched the drive to ata66. However, I still locked up on the startup screen. Any other ideas?

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i had exacltly the same problem i sorta fixed it by accident lol

try changeing your hdd to the secondary port for some reason that managed to fix it for me

did u install the drivers twice for once for each chip on the card

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