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My system restarts after giving Shutdown command.

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hello! Friends

In my windows 98 system when i give a shutdown command the system is rebooting

again .anybody pl help out from this issue.




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You are probably using Win98SE


This happened to me a year ago when i was on 98. Just download the supplement shutdown patch from windowsupdate

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Go to www.microsoft.com and search the knowledge base for windows shutdown supplement. Start reading!

Have FUN!




A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

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my system started giving this type of problem

when i reinstalled win98 after my hard disk got infected with bootsector virus.

Earlier it used to shutdown properly.

sometimes the monitor goes off but cpu LED's continue to glow.

so help me further in this regard




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For the boot sector virus I hope that a virus scanner took care of that but to make sure I would boot with a windows 98 boot disk and at the A:\ type fdisk c:\ /mbr


This will rewrite the bootsector and hopefully clean it fully.


As for the monitor going off problem, does this happen while you are at the computer working?




A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

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sorry i am not saying that the problem with monitor.The problem is when i give shutdown command only monitor goes off but cpu LEDs

remains blinking.

Sometimes this also will not happen simply

it it restarts.

hope this will clearly describes my problem.




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Try up[censored] your bios see if that helps - other wise buy Win NT or 2000, then you'll be able to make full use of this site (NT Compatible anyone?)

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Your in the wrong site, bud. But here's my guess:


I'll bet you have an FIC 503+ m/b with an AT power supply right? If you do there is no fix, period. The board's power management thinks that it can shut down, but it really can't because of the AT power supply so it simply reboots. It's not likely that FIC will ever fix this problem as their whole implimentation of the Via MPV3 is horribly flawed in all their boards. Everything, including AGP voltage problems, non-compliant UDMA IDE, messed up ACPI, and power management problems, is wrong with that board. Sorry.

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