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Setting DMA for drives in W2K

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I am new to Windows 2000 and I am hoping someone in this forum can tell me how you turn DMA on for CD-ROM Drives and Hard Drives in Windows 2000. I checked in device manager, but there doesn't seem to be the option like in Windows 9X. The main thing that cause me to think of this is because my CPU utilization goes way up whenever the CD-ROM burns or copies files.

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I have an Asus A7V motherboard with the extra Promise ATA/100 controller and their doesn't seem to be a way to set DMA for that. I was able to set it for my VIA hard disk controllers though.

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If your drive are hoolup to the promise card then all ready on.

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Oh damn, I'm still getting a hi CPU utilization when my CD-ROM is transfering files. Is there a utility that will tell me if DMA is working correctly on my system?

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ATA 66/100 controller card automatically assign DMA channels. You should be able to confirm this on bootup for there will be a screen showing you hard drives and what DMA channel there on. This is part of the Promise controller's bios kicking in.


You dont set DMA in 2000 for it does this automatically. A post was made earlier about a file to change which will work as well but you really need to leave 2000 alone.





A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

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Actually it didn't assign DMA by itself I had to manually change it in Device Manager, it was set to PIO mode by default. I changed that to DMA.

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Psychosword! You must not have Winodows 2000 installed on your nachine because there is no setting in device manager for DMA! Try Again




A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

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Psychosword, There is a mixup and after I read everyones posts under ATAPI in Device manager in the primary or secondary contollers there is a setting but like I said this should have been done automatically by 2000. Sorry Psychosword for I thought you were speakng of the cdrom properties like in windows 98 which has the DMA setting there. Sorry!




A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

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