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Need some advice here

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Well,I'm thinking about buying a Guillemot 3D Prophet II GTS 32MB DDR,but I'm not so sure if my MOBO:ASUS P2B-F(i440BX chipsett) will handle its power requirements.

Getting a SDR GF2GTS wouldn't make a difference,would it?

The main reason for not just getting a i815 MOBO and being on the safe side is that I'm as usual short on cash(college student),and besides I'm sorta pleased with the one I've got.

I've checked out the geforceFAQ site but that didn't help much.

Help me out,what Should I do?

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I have a couple of ASUS P3B-F mobos, and I had my GeForce1 SDR in them. Those had some hefty power requirements, and worked great with this version of motherboard. I *think* that the GTS has power requirements either the same as or LESS THAN the GeForce1 (shrink in die size helped a ton). The only problem that I can remember with any of the ASUS line and the GeForce was with the P2L97 (440LX chipset) due to the power contraints on the AGP slot.






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There is a universal power standard that all ATX motherboards with either 2x AGP or 4x AGP ports have to follow. If you buy a motherboard and throw a video card in it and the card sucks all the power so the motherboard wont boot then you have a really really cheap motherboard or you didnt plug the video card all the way in. The only two retail video cards that I know of that will need more than this spec is the voodoo 5 6000 or the NV20 which will come with a plug that goes into a 110v wall socket. That's the bottom line.






A+, Windows 98 and NT MCP

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lol i can imagine having a friend over. Hey Don't trip over my vid card cord. LOL, or when the power goes out you need a seperate UPS just for the vid card LOL laugh

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you know that the company has gone too far when they start to make you have to plug in your damn video card into an electrical socket just to function.

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