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Packaging a computer monitor for a train ride.

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I'm moving to Northen California [from LA], and I'm going ot take the train [as usual]. I will, of course, be taking my ***-to- I mean, computer, and I wanted some input on transporting the monitor.


I can throw the box in the box it came in, and check it, but the monitor is a 20" HP, and weighs a couple tons. They won't check anything over 50lbs, or anything beakable [gl***]. I've seen straps for cases for LAN parties, is there anything like this for a monitor? My only idea so far is to rig some rope as a handle and put padding and something hard in front of the screen, and carry it on [hella redneck]. I ain't got the cash to ship it.


Any ideas?



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I think Onvia.com has some monitor cases like that. If I remember right they are hard to find on the Onvia site so try the search function. Hope that helps

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Well, I found some monitor cases, but they are all $200-500, so I'm still thinking....


I may end up using a smaller monitor until I can have someone drive it up for me. Damn, life without my 1280x1024, I don't relish that thought.



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