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I have 4 IDE Devices in my computer connected as follows:


Primary IDE: Diamond Maxtor 53073U6

Diamond Maxtor 90845D4

Secondary IDE: Creative 6X DVD Drive

HP 8100i CD-RW


I am running win2000, with a Iwill BD100 motherboard (Intel BX chipset). My problem is that they all work in DMA except the newest drive my 30Gb UDMA 66 Diamond Maxtor the master of the primary IDE cable. It is in PIO mode how can i select DMA i have it selected it available in drives properties but Win2000 doesn't like it.


Thanks For Any Help



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I'm pretty sure your Iwill board doesn't support DMA66. You need to disable it on the DMA66 drive. I think there might be a jumper on the drive to do this. If there isn't, you should be able to do it by getting a patch off of the Maxtor web site (I don't know where this is, you'll have to ask their tech support).


Or better yet, you could get a decent PCI IDE controller card that supports DMA66/100 and that way you get the full speed of your DMA66 drive. And (maybe even better) you can give each drive its own channel, which can help improvement some, and can really help if your CD burner is making coasters.

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Thanks i new the Iwill only supported UDMA 33 but i thought the drive would just run at 33 instead of 66, so i need a patch, thanks for your help i will start searching.



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OK so i tried this file i set it to UDMA 33 but it wtill reports PIO, The BIOS sees it as UDMA 33 but windows 2000 doesn't. The performance is very slow (7MB/s compared to 14MB/s on my other drive), i have tried it by itself but still no difference. Any More Help.





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Try taking the second hard drive off of the first channel (and using only the first drive on it) and see what happens. They may need to be on seperate channels. (Mixing DMA types on the same channel usually doesn't work.)


Also, if you used the DMA66 cable that came with your DMA66 drive (it should have blue plugs on the end rather than black) then try using a regular IDE cable, and vice-versa.

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thanks for your reply i have tried it by itself and have tried both cables but no luck. Anything else..


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