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Does anyone with a KT133 motherboard and W2K have UDMA?

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I have an Epox EP-8KTA2 with an IBM 75GXP DTLA703020 hard drive. The fastest IDE hard drive made and I am stuck at PIO4 transfer mode. A whopping 16Mb/s transfer rate. I previously had Win98 installed and had UDMA in the ATA100 form. I would like to get atleast ATA66 in W2K. How can I do that?

Here is what I have tried.

1. I have every MS Update available.

2. I did the Regedit provided by every W2K HD and Memory tweak article on the internet.

3. I have swapped IDE channels on the mobo.

4. I have tried different cables, and yes they are on right.

5. I have emailed Epox. Not there problem.

I emailed VIA. No response.

6. Ofcourse I selected "UDMA if available" in the device manager.

7. And get this my DVD and CDRW are at UDMA in the device manager. ??? But no HD???

8. VIA 4in1 Version 4.24a


I found this link to a SP2 hotfix but can not seem to locate it. No response from MS yet. http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/...RCH&SPR=CHS


If you are using a KT133 mobo and W2K and have UDMA please tell me what you have done to your system. All help is really appreciated. Thanks

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Well for all of those who care I have finally solved the problem. I got a VIA IDE driver just for the KT133 686B chipset and W2K. Got it from http://www.soltek.com.tw/downloads/drivers/580_3011.exe . It is probably the coolest VIA DMA Utility to date. Tells you what cable is connected, what mode you are running (Currently UDMA Mode 5 ATA100) and allows you to change it. Hope this helps someone else.

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Install VIA IDE Bus Mastering Driver (Not the 4 in 1) then you will find a file called viadmatools.exe, click on it and it will let you set your hard disk channel to UDMA mode. If you only install 4 in 1 driver, the default setting is PIO mode on primary channel and UDMA on secondly (Dont know why)

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