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An article about IRQ9, PCI Steering, and ACPI

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Carp & nonething more then carp & well always be carp.

But to bad Debra Littlejohn Shinder don't have clue to real story to it after min games & apps & a lot other hardware DON'T LIKE IT, Here one NIC & TVCard just for starter hell I even scene Dual Video not working in ACPI mode ekkk.

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Interesting reply, I think that she was just mentioning how it behaves and that it does behave well for most things. I'll try not to post anything from again in the future...








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I posted this on an earlier topic. See if this has some parrallels with the linked article above.


(The original topic was about IRQ conflicts and IRQ 9.)


The Golden rule needs to be applied here. If it ain't broke,

Dont fix it!

As for changing IRQs, dont worry about it. Windows 2000 was designed to use ACPI which throws all devices on the PCI bus onto a logical IRQ. This IRQ is number 9. IRQ 9 is considered logical because its the gateway for IRQs 11-15. This is why you will find most of your devices on irq 11 or so and that ACPI for IRQ steering on IRQ 9. You really dont want to mess with this. PLEASE DONT MESS WITH THIS. But like one of the other guys said you can turn off ACPI in your bios and you will use IRQ holder for PCI steering which will spread them out but you will see a major decrease in performance for like I said earlier, Windows 2000 was made to use ACPI so use it.




A+, MCP Windows 98 and NT Certified

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