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Voodoo2 SLI in W2000, help!

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I just can't get my two Voodoo2 Monster3D2 12mb to work SLI in Windows2000. One card works fine, two - nope - black!


Any help would be very kind.


Please drop an email.



Pappy (mr_pappy@hotmail.com)

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Dumb question, but did you try switching the SLI VGA cable around? Sometimes you wind up picking the wrong card to hook the monitor to.

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He he he.. I'm not stupid. I get faint colours in the black sometimes.


It worked fine in my old NT4. Do you have a working SLI in W2K?

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I haven't tried it, and I can't see why it wouldn't. I just remember setting up a couple of systems and constantly having the VGA cable setup wrong.



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Pappy Hi, as for your Monster3D II well there don't alway's work in SLI sorry

This problem only with some of Monster3D II


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