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cpu fan recommendations please

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Finally got the cash and junked my 450K6-2 and got me a T-Bird 800MHz and AOpen AK73Pro mobo laugh , the fan that I got tends to run warm, at idle it is 30~32C, normal 37~42C, and while playing games or anything graphics intensive it gets up to 52C then freezes the pc. Need to replace it with a better fan, any recommendations?



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you can never go wrong with a GlobalWin or Alpha. They're your safest bet across the board.


the Thermaltakes are good too...for the PIIIs, at least. Stupid AMD chips are so fragile...not exactly sure...heard many horror stories(I think the Chrome series fixed this though).


just make sure to get some good thermal grease.

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Had a regular "stock" fan. My system was running at 50-56. Now I got Alpha 6035 now the ssytem was running 30-36.... very nice smile

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Love my Golden Orb. Dropped temps from 105/115 at stock speed to 95/105 OC'ed from 500 to 700.



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