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Hollywood Plus + Win2k + LG DVD

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I have just installed a H+ card on my computer. Running Windows 2000 Pro. TNT 2 Ultra. 256 RAM. Celeron 400. Plextor 12x 10 x 32x burner. Creative 48x cdrom. LG DRD-8080b DVD-rom. zip100 INT. SB Live 1 full.


OK everything installs fine....but my problem is that when i go to to play the dvd...my system hangs...if frezzes the program "DVD Station". I have the latest drivers from Sigma. Any Suggestions?



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I do NOT use any destop software...

My H+ IS sharing an IRQ with my NIC and Intel pci to usb controller...BUT win2k will not let me change my IRQ.....


What can be done??

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before christmas I was at university and my room mate was watching a DVD on his win2k system (ABIT KT7 mobo) using Hollywood+ drivers and REALmagic. His DVD appeared to crash REALmagic on a frequent basis which annoyed him a lot.


Fast forward to january 2001 and I have bought myself a Creative Encore 12x kit (Win2k and an MSI 6330 mobo). I used the creative player and beta drivers for a bit with my Hollywood+ derived DXR3 card, with no problems at all before installing the sigma drivers and REALmagic. Now when I play DVD's I often experience crashes and 'pauses' during playback which I am sure must be due to the REALmagic software.. Maybe there is a common factor causing all these crashes to happen but I just thought I would let you know of my recent experiences....

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I have had my H+ for some time.(3 years now) And I have had no problems with it in win2k, even though it is sharing irq 11 with my video, sound, USB, and SCSI card! It never crashes when I am playing a DVD, and I have watched all of my movies many times with it. So it is not a result of bad drivers and the dvd station program, it works fine!!!

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