news 28 Posted August 29, 2009 The Python bindings for the Clutter core and integration libraries have been released. this release of the Python bindings map the Clutter 1.0 API cycle. Download is available at: MD5 checksums: 1cfbb64eceef6828e47e9a64689ffa41 pyclutter-1.0.0.tar.bz2 2e99aaf6100d609b2c0da1655d7c8693 pyclutter-1.0.0.tar.gz Requirements: * GLib 2.16.0 or higher * GTK+ 2.10.0 or higher * Clutter 1.0.0 or higher * PyCairo 1.0.2 or higher * PyGObject 2.12.1 or higher * PyGTK * Python 2.5.0 or higher Documentation: an incomplete API reference is available at: Python developers are encouraged to submit patches to increase the quality and coverage of the documentation. Release notes: * This is the first stable release * Requires Clutter core >= 1.0.0 * The bindings for Clutter-GStreamer and Clutter-GTK have been dropped from the PyClutter module, and they will be shipped separately as PyClutter-GStreamer (pyclutter-gst) and PyClutter-GTK (pyclutter-gtk). The new modules are already available as separate repositories. Changes from 0.8: * Require Clutter core >= 1.0.0 * Provide better bindings for the Cogl API * Add more examples ported from the clutter core interactive tests * Dropped the in-tree bindings of clutter-gtk and clutter-gst: you will have to install pyclutter-gtk and pyclutter-gst respectively to be able to import cluttergtk and cluttergst. * Allow accessing child properties for clutter.Container * Allow iterating over the children of a clutter.Container using the native Python iterator support * Allow creating custom ChildMeta classes from Python * Mark the classes removed from upstream Clutter as "deprecated"; trying to instantiate one of the deprecated classes will result in the equivalent class in Clutter 1.0 to be created and a warning printed out on the console * Override the __repr__ and __str__ methods for clutter.Color: the former will print out a string that can be used through eval() to create a copy of the color; the latter will print out the hexadecimal representation of the color. * Override the __str__ method of clutter.Event: it will now print more information on the event (type, time, source actor) and per-event type fields (button, key, related actor, etc.). * Deprecated clutter.stage_get_default() in favour of an optional argument to clutter.Stage(); calling: >>> clutter.Stage(default=True) will return the default Stage singleton; the default argument is optional and it defaults to False. * Allow passing the following values to methods accepting a clutter.Color: - a clutter.Color (e.g.: clutter.Color(255, 0, 0, 255)) - a 4-tuple of RGBA values (e.g.: (255, 0, 0, 255)) - a hexadecimal representation of the color (e.g.: '#ff0000ff') Many thanks to: Bastian Winkler (new maintainer of PyClutter) Young-Ho Cha Chideok Hwang +++ Clutter is an open source software library for creating fast, visually rich and animated graphical user interfaces. Clutter uses OpenGL or OpenGL/ES to provide hardware acceleration to user interfaces. Clutter can be used as a canvas or as a base for writing a full toolkit on both desktop and embedded devices. Clutter is portable on various platforms, being developed on Linux and tested on Windows and OSX with native ports. Clutter has integration libraries for quickly developing applications with GTK+, GStreamer, Mozilla and other libraries. PyClutter is the collective name for the Python bindings for the Clutter core API and integration libraries The PyClutter bindings allow you to write canvas-based applications in a Pythonic and object-oriented way, freeing you from having to care about the casting and the memory management of the original Clutter C API, and yet remaining close to its spirit. More information about Clutter is available at: ciao, Emmanuele. -- Emmanuele Bassi, Senior Engineer | emmanuele.bassi ( -at -) Intel Open Source Technology Center | _______________________________________________ Share this post Link to post