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Understanding Windows 7 upgrade paths

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*Understanding Windows 7 upgrade paths*




Windows 7 has already earned itself a blue ribbon, and it isn't even in

stores yet. Many Vista users will migrate to Redmond's latest and greatest

operating system in search of greener pastures, and countless Windows XP

laggards will be lured from the woodwork by Windows 7's polish.


Microsoft will be granting both XP and Vista users the right to buy

"Upgrade" versions of Windows 7 which run for considerably less money. But

in terms of how you can perform an upgrade on a machine already running

Windows, for some the in-place upgrade option will make the experience

seamless; all your programs, files and settings will remain untouched coming

from certain versions of Vista. However, for another significant portion of

users, installing from scratch will be the only route available (and a

recommended one at that).


Microsoft has released a chart to help users figure out what upgrade paths

are open to them. Unfortunately, the chart is so cluttered and dysfunctional

that it makes the whole process seem much more complicated than it really

is. In an attempt to smooth things out for our readers, we've created a

condensed, easy-to-digest reference with all of the potential upgrade paths.





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