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No ISDN, no Modem Communication. Is it a hardware problem?

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I'm running a dual-boot system, NT4 and Win2K. My win2k system was unstable (COM2 disappeared, exclamation marks in control panel) and as a result I lost both my standard modem and my ISDN adapter connectivity. This is the case for my two OSs.

As far as the standard modem is concerned, when I run diagnosis, the response is ok, all characteristics of the modem a recorded as expected. Still, when I try dialing, a busy port announcement pops up. The line is clear, but the call fails to pass through.

As far as the ISDN connection, the situation is more complicated. On the win2k system, when I open the ISDN Monitor, and try to check my NDISWAN lines, I see there two line specified as "Not Started".

On the WinNT platform, at the end of the adapter installation process, I'm asked to reboot. When I check RAS after rebooting, I get a message informing me that the ISDN1 and the ISDN2 ports are no longer installed on my system.


Does my problem sound as a hardware problem? If so, how can I locate its source?


Or, is it a configuration problem? If so, what should I do?


Or else ...





Ran Chermesh Behavioral Sciences Dept., Ben-Gurion University

PO Box 653 Beer-Sheva Israel 84105

Phones: Work: 972-8-647-2057

Home: 972-8-642-2668, 972-8-610-1847

homepage: url=http://www.bgu.ac.il/~chermesh/ran.html

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My guess would be yes, yit seems that your mainboard may have a communicatins port failure, have you tried any other peripherials in com2, because my guess would be that they dont work either, i'd suggest either buying a new mainboard, and totally re-installing, or getting a communications card (PCI) and using that, it'll cost you about £20, and it should sort you out nicely smile

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Thanks for your prompt reply.

Is there a way I can check my com ports prior to getting into further expenses?



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have you try reset your bios ?? "sometime that helps".

Also try turn on Plug & Pray hehe ok ok it really Plug & Play.

Is this PCI modem or ture blue Serial modem

or ISA PnP modem or Hard ISA modem "Good old Jumper" hehe.

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