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Mike Zamarocy

NVidia WHQL 6.62 or 7.17????

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Really folks, which is the better driver for the games, and works with DX8.0a? The 6.62 seem to work fine, but it has been said many times that the 7.xx drivers were MADE for DX8.

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if you want to get something out of DX8, go for 7.17, if not, go with the whql 6.62 drivers, personally, i got bsod's with dx8 and 7.17, but it doesn't seem anyone else gets them, i guess its a problem on my part.

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Ok, I understand that the 6.67 are the latest (leaked) out there, but. What I am asking is that we are all told the 7 series drivers are special DirectX 8.0 drivers that were made to take all advantages DX8 has to offer. The 6 series are, at least to my knowledge, still DX7 aware drivers. Or am I wrong? Are the latest (and dated NEWER than 7.17) 6.62 and 6.67 drivers now DX8 specific too now? What really is the differences between 7.xx and 6.62 or 6.67??? What are the gains of one of the other, or the cons?

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According to Nvidia Official:


They have not made any 7 series drivers. They are all made by some ediots.


Currently the drivers are in 6.xx series.


I recommend that you use official nvidia drivers until their next official release. I have tried almost all drivers but no one is as stable as 6.31. The 6.66 is really optimized. My scores in Windows 2000 beats my score of Win98. I usually got 2500-2600 3D MARKS but it gave me a boost of 800 points. I went to 3300.



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