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Interrupt problems - goddamit!

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hey all, my problem is my video and audio are sharing the same interrupt (11), i have an epox 8k-ta mobo and an asus tnt2 magic, the audio is via onboard and i'm running win 2k professional. under my win98se installation, which is ghosted - not dual booted, i sometimes had the same problem. i found disabling the usb released another interrupt and the video and audio parted company from the same one. all that in spite of the fact there was a free interrupt already.

i have checked the epox site thoroughly, but to no avail. i have tried disabling the audio in bios, and re-enabling, no luck, i removed the agp and installed and old 4mb trident pci video card, then the video and audio shared a different interrupt (7),when i uninstalled that and went back to my agp video, same problem again but back on irq11. i'm certain all my bios settings are fine, and yes i've checked 50 million times. and there are two free interrupts on my system. i have the latest drivers and bios' for everything, so the real question is, does anybody know what the hell is going on?????

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calm down man.... this is perfectly normal for windows 2000. Are you experiencing any problems with having them on the same IRQ? If not, don't worry about it.


However, if you must change it, try disabling ACPI in the bios. This will probably require that you refresh your installation as well, but I don't think win2k will share IRQ's if ACPI is turned off.

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Thanks CUviper, it appears my problem isn't unique, amongnst the reasons for my wanting to sort out the IRQ issue, was in a hope to deal with the "stuttering" issue with my regarding 3d games on my amd/via chipset,lol....which i now find several posts on....only i have the stuttering problem with my sound as well, and graphic glitches on 2d screens in 3d games, eg the setup screens of Q3 and deus ex. anyway i think i'll take your advice, and reinstall without acpi, but one more question if i may, why is a video card sharing and IRQ with an audio card completely normal in win2k?

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I'm not really sure why win2k does it.... maybe just to make sure that you always have enough standard IRQs. My system has 5 devices on IRQ11. I think it is done this way because some devices can only run on certain IRQs. By sharing wherever possible, it avoids conflicts between devices. I don't know how they implement it though, cause it seems like the interrupt-vector table would have to have multiple entries for a given irq, which doesn't work in the x86 architecture. Does anyone know the details?


Here's my theory though... I guess the interrupt vector for an IRQ (IRQ11 in my case) could go to a portion of code that somehow determines which device issued the interrupt, then follow the appropriate interrupt vector for that device...

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I also have approx. 5 devices on irq 11. ACPI is supposed to allow the harmonious sharing of memory resources and irqs, but alot of devices seem to have problems under W2K. If you truly want to disable ACPI you will need to format and you computers mainboard will need it's plug and play setting turned "off" before you format. If there are any other ACPI features you will need to make sure they are disabled before you format/reload your system. That's the only way your going to get rid of it now. Sorry!

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Thanks to you both :), well, looks like microsoft did it gain..... another monumental f-up,lol. i tell you guys what though. theyre are a lot of people like me who are damn glad people like you guys post here,....thanks again guys

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Just to let you know, you are NOT alone with the stuttering! My SB Live! is giving me major headaches! But I just downloaded the BETA WDM drivers and will give them a spin in just a few.

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