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Patch Re-enables PhysX When ATI Card is Present @ NGOHQ.com

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Re-enables PhysX When ATI Card is Present



Quote: "As you may or may not know, Windows 7 allows two

display drivers to be used at once – like in Windows XP. Therefore, it

is possible to use an Nvidia card for PhysX and ATI card for graphics

rendering. Sadly, since the release of 186 graphics drivers, Nvidia has

decided to block this feature anytime a Non-Nvidia GPU is present in

the system. In addition, for some incomprehensible reasons, the latest

version of PhysX System Software also prevents PPU cards from working

if a Non-Nvidia GPU is present.


As expected, this move by Nvidia generated a lot of criticism from both

consumers and even Nvidia’s competitors. Luckily, a forum member by the

name of GenL has released an experimental beta patch which intercepts

disable-PhysX-if-Radeon-is-present-code. So far, according to user

comments the patch delivers successful results. At this stage, the

patch only works for PhysX GPU rendering and not PPU rendering.

However, the developer claims that work is still in progress."


Link: http://www.ngohq.com/news/16560-patch-re-enables-physx-when-ati-card-is-present.html


A post in your site would be greatly appreciated,


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