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Vantec NexStar Universal Storage Adapter Review @ OCIA.net

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OCIA.net has posted their review of the Vantec NexStar Universal Storage Adapter. Below is a direct quote from the review.


"As a computer service technician, I know for certainty that having the right tools for the job is essential to a speedy and profitable repair. Little gizmos like power supply testers and a digital multimeter can help to rule-out or diagnose problems in a fraction of the time. One problem I have always run into is testing hard drives, as you usually need another system to test them out in. This usually leads to a congested workbench, crammed with testing systems for IDE, SATA, and laptops for the smaller form factors. Today we take a look at a solution to this problem offered by Vantec, the NexStar Universal Storage Adapter."


Direct Link: http://www.ocia.net/reviews/vantecnexstar/page1.shtml


Image Link: http://www.ocia.net/images/icons/453.jpg


Site Link: http://www.ocia.net


A news posting on your site would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your support!



OCIA.net Staff



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