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Yellow Lines everywhere with Leadtek Geforce

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Whenever I run a 3D app such as 3DMark or Counterstrike after a while I will get yellow lines all over my screen and then it will lock up in OpenGL or Direct 3D. I've tried so many different things that it would take an hour to list them all here. I believe it is hardware related. It seems to start happening after I updated the video bios, but I can't confirm that.

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yeah i had this same problem when i was overclocking my GF2 MX, it would be stable for a while then yellow lines would pop up everyplace. I solved it by putting the card back to specs but i dont know if overclocking it your problem since you didnt say the card was overclocked.

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Yeah, if you overclock video cards, you can only take them to a certain point. If your overclocking, either drop the clock down a few notches or set it to the default clock. If your not overclocking, check the bios stuff and also look at new drivers too.

I dont have a GF, but I do have a Voodoo 4 and I cant OC the core clock faster than 10Mhz over or my games start locking up.

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