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Logitech QuickCam pro (Beige Ring)

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I saw a listing that someone was able to get the logitech quick cam pro, beige ring working in win2k. I was wondering how they were able to do that? it says they used the 4.1.1 drivers, but I only have the update drivers for that. I was wondering if they used full 4.1.1 drivers or if they could shed some more light on the configuration of their system and anything else that might help in getting it running under win2k.


thanks for your time and help.

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I think the guy that posted that was smoking a big fatty at the time, 'cause I've been searching for a way to get that camera to work under Win2k and it just ain't there. I had to go get another camera that had Win2k support. Was NOT happy about that. Logitech really made us screw the pooch on that one.

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I'm about to buy the Quickcam Pro 3000. Why doesn't it work under W2K? On Logitech's web site, under system requirements, it says Windows 2000. Also, the newest released software version is 5.4.3 Full.

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