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D-Link DI-704 Router Question

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Does anybody have this router? If so, does it support MAC emulation? I need to make sure I can specify a MAC address on it, otherwise it will not work for me.

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A friend of mine said it did. He sat on tech support with D-Link to find the answer though. Poor guy...








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The Dlink router is worthless. I bought one and tried it for about 3 days.


It's main 'security' feature is to shut down when it sees too much traffic. So you have to manually reboot it whenever this occurs in order to restore connectivity.


You're much better off getting a Linksys or Netgear personal router for only a little more.


And yes, both the base models for these allow you to mask mac addresses.



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Are we talking about the same DLink di-704? NOT the Di-701.


I have not had the problems you are describing, and I move PLENTY of data.


So far, I have been completely impressed with the product, and I would recommend it to anybody in need of a very nice router at a good price.


I will be keeping an eye out for the problems you mentioned though. Thanks!

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I think I know what aer0 is talking about. I got D-Link DI-704 Router and I have this "shutdown" problem. But I don't know if it is because of too much traffic or not. Here is my only problem with this router. Whenever I click "Update" to get the list of Counter-Strike servers, I get this connection "shutdown" problem half way through the list and I lose my internet connection. What I have to do is to restart the computer again and I will get my internet connection back. Right now, I can't do "Update" on Counter-Strike server. I think it has to do with built-in Firewall. This is pissing me off because I rather have cheaper D-Link router without Firewall crap and buy a software Firewall like BlacIce Defender which are more configurable. Right now, I like everything about this D-Link router except that Firewall thing. I am moving into an apartment soon and will get a DSL connection so I will have to buy another router. Right now I am so sick and tired of this D-Link's Firewall that I am thinking about having a computer do routing for me and install BlackIce Defender for Firewall protection.

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I have a netgear RT313...it does support MAC emulation(spoofing, as it refers it to).


I've had really good luck with this as both a standard router for home, and a DHCP server for LAN parties(goodbye static IP problems for morons!)

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