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Can't boot to an NT based OS

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I just installed an Epox motherboard. EP-7KXA with a VIA-KX133 AGPset and an Athlon 700 cpu. I am running a triple boot with Milly, Win2k, and XP. The only os that will boot is Milly. With the other 2, I get a blue stop error screen that says Windows has been halted to prevent damage to my computer. I've been given different possible solutions from my local guru's ranging from a Bois flash to not enough power. I have a 250 watt power supply. Do I need 300 watts? I would like to solve this, because I love XP. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....thanks.

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Did you, by chance, install the new motherboard *after* the OSs were installed onto the HD (basically, just upgraded the motherboard in the system)? If so, you probably don't have the same IDE controller as the last motherboard, and therefore each of the NT-based systems don't know what to do when it's time to mount the volumes.


When you do a major changeover like that, it is always best to do a fresh install. To get back into the OS installs, swap the motherboard back and you should be fine. Oh, and as to why you can get into WinME, it was probably using a generic driver that is compatible with the IDE controllers of both motherboards.






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That is exactly what it was. Dude, I really appreciate your help. Just when you think you start knowing a little, something comes along to humble you right down. Thanks for the insight and advise.

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