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geforce 2 in win2k - Direct3D works great, OpenGL won't work

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ok, this has baffled me. i just recently installed Win2K, and i tried may different sets of drivers to see, but it seems that i have no OpenGL support WHAT SO EVER. Direct3D games such as NOLF and Tony Hawk 2 work awesome, in fact, maybe better than they did in Win9x. but i'd sure like to be able to play Quake 3 and Half-Life. when i try to play halflife, and i set it to OpenGL, which used to work, i get "This OpenGL is not supported by your graphics card" and when i try Quake 3, i get an exit back to windows with an OpenGL not initialized message. WTF am i supposed to do about this, i know there has to be some setting somewhere that can fix all of this. help me!




Pentium III 800mhz

256mb PC100 SDRAM

ASUS V7700 Deluxe GeForce 2 GTS DDR 32mb

Modem & Nic

SBLive! (not the 5.1)

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actually no i don't have SP-1 installed yet ... i'll install it and see what happens, but i don't think that would really make a difference would it? the opengl should have been installed with the drivers, so this is a pretty jacked up situation. i'll let you know after i install SP1, until then, any other responses are welcome

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i installed SP-1, still nothing, i installed 11.01 drivers, still not a damn thing. i don't know what the hell is going on here, what kind of OpenGL issues are there with the GeForce 2 and Win2K? i know somebody has to know, ANYBODY FEEL FREE TO RESPOND

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actually i fixed the problem myself, apparently the opengl32.dll files in the Quake 3 and Half-Life folders were fuct up b/c when i replaced them it works now. oh well, another one bites the dust, no thanks to any of the lazy asses in this forum ... its funny how little the people in here seem to know ... i've seen opengl questions asked time after time with similar responses though, so i'm not really surprised at the caliber. thanks to all those who responded though.

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Why did you have an OpenGL driver in your game folders? I remember doing that for Voodoo and Voodoo2 cards because they were add-in units, but I haven't had the need to do that since then. As a matter of fact, you may notice an improvement in gaming performance if you take them out, and use the default system OpenGL file.






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Oh, and as far as the lack of responses go, I have not had that issue myself and I would have thought an "I don't know" or "It works for me" response would have sucked (especially since others have been bashed for stating similar answers). I have a feeling that others were in the same boat as me, and not just trying to dis you.






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lol i was just jokin around seeing what kind of reaction i could get if i put something about a lack of responses. i thought about trying to remove the opengl32.dll from my folder this morning, i might try it and see but i'm pretty sure the game put it there when i installed it. oh well, i guess we'll find out

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